3000 m =……. cm pake cara nya

3000 m =……. cm pake cara nya

Jawab :

1 m = 100 cm
3000 m = 3000 x 100 = 300000 cm

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Dijawab Oleh : Kunjaw

BACA JUGA :  Curug Lawe is a tourism spot in Semarang. This spot is becoming a trending topic recently due to its beauty. Curug Lawe is located in Kalisidi village, Gunung Pati, Semarang. It is located in the west part of mount Ungaran slope. The distance from Semarang city is about 12 km or 7 km from Ungaran city park. Curug Lawe is close to another waterfall called Curug Benowo. To reach the Lawe Waterfall, visitors have to go on foot for about 40 minutes to 1 hour from the parking area. When visitors have reached the spot, all the tiredness will be gone because of the beauty of the place. The panorama is stunning. It is hilly with a lot of tall trees. The air is cool and refreshing. The water falling from the hills looks like thousands of white string, that's why the place is called Curug Lawe. Lawe means white pieces of string in Javanese. What is the second paragraph about?

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