Public Servant Must be both moral Philosophers and moral activists, Which would require: First an understanding of, and belief in, Regime values, and second, a sensee of extensive benevolence for the people of the Nation, merupakan pernyataan terkait ASN sebagai pelayan publik dari?
- frederickson dan hart
- Ricocur
- Imanuel kantz
- Collins cobuild
- Semua jawaban benar
Jawaban: A. frederickson dan hart.
Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, public servant must be both moral philosophers and moral activists, which would require: first an understanding of, and belief in, regime values, and second, a sensee of extensive benevolence for the people of the nation, merupakan pernyataan terkait asn sebagai pelayan publik dari frederickson dan hart.
Dijawab Oleh : Kunjaw