Public Servant Must be both moral Philosophers and moral activists, Which would require: First an understanding of, and belief in, Regime values, and second, a sensee of extensive benevolence for the people of the Nation, merupakan pernyataan terkait ASN sebagai pelayan publik dari?

Public Servant Must be both moral Philosophers and moral activists, Which would require: First an understanding of, and belief in, Regime values, and second, a sensee of extensive benevolence for the people of the Nation, merupakan pernyataan terkait ASN sebagai pelayan publik dari?

  1. frederickson dan hart
  2. Ricocur
  3. Imanuel kantz
  4. Collins cobuild
  5. Semua jawaban benar

Jawaban: A. frederickson dan hart.

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, public servant must be both moral philosophers and moral activists, which would require: first an understanding of, and belief in, regime values, and second, a sensee of extensive benevolence for the people of the nation, merupakan pernyataan terkait asn sebagai pelayan publik dari frederickson dan hart.

Dijawab Oleh : Kunjaw

BACA JUGA :  Dalam membuat miniatur jembatan pembuatan SKETSA dimaksudkan adalah untuk?

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