Ranti : You look so great with the black Jacket.Dian : Thanks. It’s nice of you to say so.Ranti : I really like your jacket. Is it new?Dian : Yes. It is the newest jacket at Cantik boutique.Ranti : Woow. I heard the boutique provides some import Jackets. Is it right?Dian : That’s right. The boutique also provides all Indonesia’s products too.Ranti : That’s really great. Is there any discount?Dian : Of course. Come to the Cantik’s boutique and buy some jackets there. Does the boutique provide jacket from local?

Ranti : You look so great with the black Jacket.Dian : Thanks. It’s nice of you to say so.Ranti : I really like your jacket. Is it new?Dian : Yes. It is the newest jacket at Cantik boutique.Ranti : Woow. I heard the boutique provides some import Jackets. Is it right?Dian : That’s right. The boutique also provides all Indonesia’s products too.Ranti : That’s really great. Is there any discount?Dian : Of course. Come to the Cantik’s boutique and buy some jackets there. Does the boutique provide jacket from local?

  1. Yes, it did
  2. Yes, It does
  3. No, it won;t
  4. No, it doesn’t
  5. No, It does

Jawaban: D. No, it doesn’t.

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, ranti : you look so great with the black jacket.dian : thanks. it’s nice of you to say so.ranti : i really like your jacket. is it newdian : yes. it is the newest jacket at cantik boutique.ranti : woow. i heard the boutique provides some import jackets. is it rightdian : that’s right. the boutique also provides all indonesia’s products too.ranti : that’s really great. is there any discountdian : of course. come to the cantik’s boutique and buy some jackets there. does the boutique provide jacket from local no, it doesn’t.

Dijawab Oleh : Kunjaw

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