Teacher : Noah, Listen to me. Could you please stop doing that?Noah : I’m so sorry, Sir.Teacher : Are you ready for the lesson?Noah : Yes, Sir. I’m ready. What is the underlined phrase mean?

Teacher : Noah, Listen to me. Could you please stop doing that?Noah : I’m so sorry, Sir.Teacher : Are you ready for the lesson?Noah : Yes, Sir. I’m ready. What is the underlined phrase mean?

  1. Giving opinion
  2. Showing attention
  3. Checking understanding
  4. Asking for attention
  5. Semua jawaban benar

Jawaban: D. Asking for attention.

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, teacher : noah, listen to me. could you please stop doing thatnoah : i’m so sorry, sir.teacher : are you ready for the lessonnoah : yes, sir. i’m ready. what is the underlined phrase mean asking for attention.

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