the jumbled conversation below into a good order!(1) Bulan : Yes, it was. It was so horrible.(2)Bintang : Did you get many homeworks?(3)Bintang : Di Bulan, what did you do last weekend?(4) Bulan : Yes, I did. There were so many homeworks. I missed my school, my class and also my friends. (5)Bulan : I stayed at home all the day. (6)Bintang : Yeah … me too.(7)Bintang : Was it because the danger situation caused by Covid 19?

the jumbled conversation below into a good order!(1) Bulan : Yes, it was. It was so horrible.(2)Bintang : Did you get many homeworks?(3)Bintang : Di Bulan, what did you do last weekend?(4) Bulan : Yes, I did. There were so many homeworks. I missed my school, my class and also my friends. (5)Bulan : I stayed at home all the day. (6)Bintang : Yeah … me too.(7)Bintang : Was it because the danger situation caused by Covid 19?

  1. 2-5-3-7-4-6-1
  2. 2-5-7-1-3-4-6
  3. 3-5-7-1-2-4-6
  4. 3-5-1-7-2-4-6
  5. Semua jawaban benar

Jawaban: B. 2-5-7-1-3-4-6.

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, the jumbled conversation below into a good order!(1) bulan : yes, it was. it was so horrible.(2)bintang : did you get many homeworks(3)bintang : di bulan, what did you do last weekend(4) bulan : yes, i did. there were so many homeworks. i missed my school, my class and also my friends. (5)bulan : i stayed at home all the day. (6)bintang : yeah … me too.(7)bintang : was it because the danger situation caused by covid 19 2-5-7-1-3-4-6.

Dijawab Oleh : Kunjaw

BACA JUGA :  Pernyataan:1. Peduli dengan yang menderita 2. Membenci ketidakadilan 3. Dekat dengan mereka yang dilecehkan 4. Membenci musuh-musuhnya 5. Menghormati yang tua menolak yang mudah Dari pernyataan diatas yang merupakan sifat-sifat Tuhan Yesus yang patut diteladani adalah?

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