Yang bukan faktor pendorong perubahan,?

Yang bukan faktor pendorong perubahan,?

  1. Kurangnya hubungan antar masyarakat.
  2. Orientasi ke masa depan.
  3. Penduduk yang heterogen.
  4. Sistem masyarakat yang terbuka.
  5. Sistem Pendidikan formal yang maju.

Jawaban: A. Kurangnya hubungan antar masyarakat..

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, yang bukan faktor pendorong perubahan, kurangnya hubungan antar masyarakat..

Dijawab Oleh : Kunjaw

BACA JUGA :  Read the following text to answer questions .. to ... Ants are social insects and most live in colonies which can be extremely large consisting of millions of members. There are about 20,000 different species of ants and they can be found almost anywhere and in every biome. There are three different kinds of ants. The queen is the first kind and she has one purpose – to mate. She spends her entire life laying eggs. The second kind of ant is the male who mates with the queen and they don't live very long. The third kind of ant is the female worker and she cannot produce young but she is the one that builds the mounds and supplies the colony with food. Most ants build some type of mound to live in. Many dig their mounds in the dirt or sand. Some use twigs to make them stronger. Some ants live in fallen logs or trees. Most ants build a system of tunnels under their mound which connect rooms, or chambers, they use for specific purposes. Some of the chambers are used to store food and some are used as nurseries. The rooms are used as resting places for the worker. The ant’s body is made up of three parts – the head, trunk and rear. Each ant has six legs that are attached to the trunk. An ant has eyes that allow them to see extremely well because of the many lenses.An ant’s antennae are also very special. They allow the ant to hear, taste, touch and smell. Ants use their antennae to touch one another, which is the way they communicate. What kinds of ants supply food to the colony?

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