Yani : I haven’t told you what happened yet, have I?Indri : I haven’t ….. anything Fill in the blanks with the correct expressions?

Yani : I haven’t told you what happened yet, have I?Indri : I haven’t ….. anything Fill in the blanks with the correct expressions?

  1. Congratulation
  2. Heard
  3. Are you serious?
  4. Are you serious?
  5. first rank

Jawaban: B. Heard.

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, yani : i haven’t told you what happened yet, have iindri : i haven’t ….. anything fill in the blanks with the correct expressions heard.

Dijawab Oleh : Kunjaw

BACA JUGA :  Erik Mempresentasikan Video Untuk Bagaimana Caranya Meningkatkan Penjualan Agar Produk Yang Disajikan Dapat Diminati Oleh Konsumen, Berikut Ciri-ciri Presentasi Video Adalah,kecuali?

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